Ivonne Benitez, is an entrepreneur, writer, translator, educator, and the founder of Hablando Mexicano. Ivonne has a Bachelor’s of Arts in Bilingual Education from the University of Guanajuato, and holds two Master’s Degrees; one in Usage of Language for Specific Purposes and another in Bilingualism in Children. The later degree, earned her thesis an award as one of the Best Researches for teaching a child a second language in a Spanish environment. Her first test was with her son, who is now 13 years old, and is fluent in both English and Spanish, and currently learning French and Chinese. She is certified by the University of Cambridge in Languages, and is an accredited Certified Instructor in El Consejo Nacional de Normalización y Certificación de Competencias Laborales by SEP.
Ivonne was born and predominately raised in Guanajuato, though she spent much of her childhood in different parts of Mexico due to her parents’ professions; her father is a retired professor from the University of Guanajuato in Mathematics-Engineering and her mother is an Agricultural Engineer. She has created programs of study for hospitality, criminalistics, forensics, education, and more as she appreciates the need for fluency of language as an imperative communication tool. She created a special course for the Federal Police to facilitate interactions with tourists, and continues to develop courses in hospitality for the local community.
She loves to run, dance, cook, and write. Her writing has appeared in local magazines, newspapers, and she is currently writing a novel. Her dream is to create a non-profit for single mothers to help them achieve their dreams.